Thank you for taking the opportunity to view the website of Ivy Pointe Title, an Ohio limited liability company.This website has been prepared to provide information on foundational and recent developments in the real estate and title insurance industries that may be of interest to our readers. The website is designed to provide general information about the subjects discussed, and is not intended to provide title or legal advice for a specific situation.
The views set forth on this website, in our publications and on our social media sites (Facebook, Linkedin and Twitter) are the personal views of the respective authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the title company with which the author is associated. Further, this website contains links to sites maintained by other businesses and organizations. The links are for information only and are merely intended to assist visitors of this website with finding additional information about various topics. Ivy Pointe Title, LLC makes no representations whatsoever about any linked site and is not responsible for the content of the information contained on any of these other sites or the content of any file the user might download from these sites.
Ivy Pointe Title, LLC has offices located only in Ohio and Kentucky and is not licensed to provide title insurance in any other state.
Any questions about the content of this website can be directed to the following individuals:
Christopher P. Finney
Katherine M. Fox
Please contact us to learn how we can help you in your business or personal legal matters.